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Conrad Modelle

Conrad Modelle

Conrad Modelle (previously Gescha) is a German manufacturer of diecast scale models primarily in 1:50 scale for use both as toys and promotional models by heavy equipment manufacturers. Conrad had the Caterpillar line of construction vehicles starting late 1960s through about 1992, but the licenses changed over to Norscot.

About Conrad Modelle

Conrad is a name that stands for the art of taking a different view of things, which is what this business is all about. Only at first glance does the appeal of a miniature lie in its size – what is much more important is the ability of discovering maximum detail in minimum dimensions. This process begins in the mind – or, more accurately, with a well-trained eye.

Conrad’s Vision

The company’s special approach of realising small-scale models is both based on the aspects of tradition as well as innovation to ensure the products high quality and visible accuracy in detail.

Günther Conrad has been running the company since 1987. Supported by his wife Gerdi – and now also by their daughter Christine – the Conrad company is a perfectly managed family-owned company.

60 years Conrad 1956-2016

Saturday, June 25th 2016 Conrad Modelle celebrated in grand style the 60th anniversary of the company.

At the open house to celebrate the 60th anniversary were family, friends, relations and collectors from around the world treated to a huge event in and around the company. Outside were 1:1 examples of the scale models produced by Conrad. Inside there was the opportunity to visit both the museum as well the very rare chance to see the production facility where one could assemble the 60th anniversary model itself. A unique glimpse behind the scenes

Friend, Caterpillar scale model collector and professional photographer Thomas Wilk from TCC Photowork was invited and made an exclusive photo shoot of his visit to this special day in the history of Conrad Modelle in Nuremberg.

Curious? Click on the picture and enjoys his photo album!

Conrad Modelle Museum

Friend, Caterpillar scale model collector and professional photographer Thomas Wilk also has made an Exclusive (Caterpillar) photo report during his visit to Conrad Modelle so we can taste the atmosphere of the Conrad Museum and get a glimps of all the beauty that awaits us in 2016.

Curious? Click on the photo and enjoys all his albums!