The Caterpillar PM200 Cold Planer in 1:50th scale was released by Norscot in 2013 with #55286.
My first impression: Smart looking and crisp Caterpillar PM200 Cold Planer in 1:50th scale. A very welcome addition to my collection next to the Caterpillar PR-450 from NZG, which already dates from 1987, and so far the only other Cold Planer in my still growing Caterpillar collection.
If you are in the possession of photos or the hard copy original brochure or specsheet about the 1:1 Caterpilar PM200 Cold Planer I would be happy if you send your response to
Caterpillar PM200 Cold Planer Specs HEHG3267-2 (01-2010)(PDF)