On Saturday 11 May 2019, Pon held her last of four Caterpillar Roadshows. During this Roadshow the customer and user could experience the latest technologies.
The Caterpillar Roadshow truck traveled through The Netherlands from 3th May to 11th May at the locations in Obdam, Steenwijk, Duiven and Weert. The all new Caterpillar "Next Generation" mini and mini diggers received particular attention, but the larger Track-Type Excavators where in action aswell!
Customers, interested people and operators were given the opportunity to test the machines themselves, to get a tour and extensive information in the Roadshow truck about the latest technologies that the "Next Generator" machines possess and while enjoying a snack and a cool drink meet with various account managers from Pon Equipment or with one of the product specialists.
The team from BouwmachineWeb.com represented by Senior and Junior van Nispen was off course present at this Caterpillar Roadshow and made an comprehensive photo report.
Curious for their complete report? Click on the photo!