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Caterpillar 350 L ME Excavator - MDF

20 May 2024

In this "Making-of Caterpillar 350 L ME Excavator" we will show how you this custom scale model will be achieved.

Ciprian and Gertjan share their building skills through the photos with little notes guiding us in the construction process. Gradually it shows the making of this unique model by using the kit from MDF in 1:50th scale to create his two of a kind Caterpillar 350 L ME Excavator.

Enjoy reading & watching!

Ciprian, Gertjan & Wouter 

What preceded

Les Miniatures du Faubourg (MDF) from France released already in 2016 the Caterpillar 350 L ME Excavator resin scale model in 1:50th scale. The prototype of this excavator was first shown to collectors at the Modelshow Europe in spring 2016:

Naturally, this scale model was on top of my Caterpillar Excavator wish list. But because MDF could no longer come to the Model Show Europe due to circumstances and I did not want to order a kit at the time, it remained quiet about this project for years.

When CCM announced the Caterpillar 350 Excavator in two versions in their Diecast series in 1:48th scale in 2019, the idea of ​​purchasing the MDF kit disappeared completely into the background.

Unfortunately, after years of waiting and uncertaincy CCM announced to its dealers in 2023 that it would definitively NOT release the two announced Caterpillar 350 Excavator scale models.

What now?! Consulted with fellow collector Gertjan and contacted Andre from MDF to order a kit of the Caterpillar 350 Excavator for both of us and have it built by Friend and custom builder Ciprian including some modifications, so that after all these years Since 2019, we have been able to add a custom-built Caterpillar 350 L ME Excavator to our collection

The Kick-off

The painting of the scale model

After priming, imperfections always come to light and these must be filled with some filler. So that after a final sanding and polishing turn and a final check whether all parts fit, the model is completely ready for the careful degreasing of all parts and the application of the final coat of paint in the time period correct Caterpillar color.

 Our choice is to make a spray can. For this we rely on skilled Toon, working at De Beer Paints into their facility in Helmond, The Netherlands. Toon makes, based on a color sample our spray can on demand. Not cheap, but perfect quality paint with the exact matching color. Highly recommended!    

Stay tuned for the next Update!

More Making-of