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Caterpillar D5B LGP Dozer - Gertjan Veld

20 December 2023

In this "Making-of Caterpillar D5B LGP Dozer" we will show how this custom model will be achieved.

Gertjan shares his building skills through the photos with little notes guiding us in the construction process. It shows the making-of a unique model by using the custom 3D Printed kit to create this Caterpillar D5B LGP Dozer in 1:50th scale.

Enjoy reading & watching!

Gertjan and Wouter

The Kickoff

The assembly of the kit

The painting of the parts

After thoroughly cleaning with some lukewarm water with a little ammonia for degreasing let all parts, preferably at room temperature or even warmer dry. If necessary, place all parts briefly on a rack above the heating so the spray primer and paint adhere well directly on the resin or metal parts.

All parts, one by one are carefully hang in the spray cabin.

As a priming coat all parts are first put in the spray primer. Often this is a gray primer or a gray primer in which already has been added and mixed some drops of yellow paint to create the perfect ground layer to spray on your final color.

After applying the primer ample time to let out enough to harden all painted parts before starting the finishing with the final Caterpillar top coating.

Then follows the same ritual: cleaning, degreasing, preheating, hang up, final coating and allow to harden.

After spraying of the parts in the final paint layer, in this case, of course in original Caterpillar yellow, take enough time in order to let all parts under ideal conditions dry and harden. So keep your freshly painted parts free from dust under a dome or a keep them in a fully enclosed space. Preferably not in a cold hobby barn, but at a slightly warm room temperature to achieve the best adhesion of the paint.

Final assembly

So how difficult it might be, Do not touch! Do not waste all your work if you start to quick with the final assembly. Please kind in mind that how great the temptation is: Hands off!


The model is done and now "Ready for work" and can be added to the collection in the display cabinet.

More Making-of