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Tonkin Replicas Modelshow Europe 2014

19 March 2014

Tonkin Relicas

shall for the first time attend the 23st Modelshow Europe which is Saturday, March 22, 2014 and held in the flowerauction "Plantion" nearby the city Ede in the Netherlands.

In fact! They will surprise us!! Tonkin Replicas will show two never-before-seen Caterpillar scale models, namely the Caterpillar MT4400D AC Mining Truck and the Caterpillar 994H Wheel Loader both in 1:50th scale.

Besides their Caterpillar range, you can also admire the new Kobelco crane in Mammoet and Kobelco livery. The American truck range in 1:53th scale will also be on display.

Curious? The complete review and all the photos from the new Tonkin Caterpillar scale models at the Modelshow Europe 2014 can next week be admired on this website.

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